You’re probably looking into video marketing just like everyone else is, and we don’t blame you - you should be. Use of video marketing is, and will continue to skyrocket in the coming years - there’s a reason for it. Visual content is becoming King of the internet, and there are quite a few different styles you can utilize:
These video styles will get you more traffic and sales than the traditional route of SEO and other marketing strategies. Considering video marketers achieve a 54% increase in brand awareness using video content, we think it’s safe to say it’s necessary. I mean, it’s not enough anymore to have a great website, great customer support, or a great mission. If people don’t know you exist, it’s basically all for nothing. Driving consumers and clients to your website, your mission, and getting yourself if the spotlight is the point of it all, isn’t it?
It’s said that 84% of all consumers have bought something after watching a video on it, and almost 50% of web-users look for a video before visiting a store. With that being said, the best thing to do before taking action is to google yourself. You personally searching for your website and ads is going to show you exactly what a consumer will see while searching themselves. Check out what your copy looks like, see if your SEO needs some work, but most importantly, start mapping out a plan to conceptualize a video marketing strategy. Be sure to find yourself a top-quality company to help bring it to life.
If you’re still wondering if this whole video thing is a good idea, 79% of consumers prefer watching a video to reading about a product or company. And 97% of businesses use explainer videos say it helps users understand their business. Whether you’re selling a product or a service, the only way to truly gain a following is by video creation. There’s no doubt about it, visual content is transcending business marketing. Let’s face it, people aren’t reading anymore. Take a look at how audible has changed the book industry, people would rather listen to the audio of a book than read it themselves. It’s all about convenience, consumers today want fast and they want efficiency. Creating video content for your website or ad campaign is key. Clear and compelling content is king.
Video marketing seems to be rapidly evolving, getting on board now is the smartest decision you can make. With the ever-changing industry, the time to learn the ways of visual content is now. Wyzowl says that 63% of businesses use video marketing, and we think the number could be even higher. Reaching a wider range of consumers and spilling your call-to-action will not only increase sales for the moment, but create long-term relationships that last a lifetime.
Now, before jumping in and starting to create that video ad, be sure to take some notes on the length of time consumers stay engaged. 50% of consumers believe that the right length for an explainer video is one minute. This goes right back to when we said that a high-quality video makes a huge difference. And by high-quality, we mean length, aesthetics, and sound. Be sure to do research on the company you plan to work with when creating the content, they’re just as important.